Monday, 25 December 2017

My (45/F) daughter (21/F) is pregnant. Abortion is illegal for her. She does not want the baby. How to help her?

(I am not from Sweden. I chose the first random username reddit gave me).My daughter is pregnant at 21. She does not want to keep the baby. She is depressed because of the pregnancy. She was using the pill and condoms. We are in a country where abortion is hard to get. You must have been raped. Or you must be at risk of dead if the pregnancy goes forth. Neither case apply to her. It was her boyfriend. He was a nice guy before this. But he told her to 'deal with it' with help from his father has disappeared to another place. His mother unable to help find him and has tried. I worry she now has the depression. She cries and cries all the days because she doesn't want the baby. She wants a normal life with her friends and not to have an over life while still so young. She said babys were for the future, not now.We can't afford to send our daughter to America for an abortion. Being not the richest country it is not good for babys given away. They are often abused. But she does not want the baby. I don't want the baby abused but I don't at my age want to become a mother again and raise baby for her. My husband wants the best for the baby. He said he will work a bit less to help watch the baby. But it can't be enough for her to always be at the University and have normal life. I don't know what is a fair arrangement. I don't want her life ruined by no finished education because of the baby. I also think it is not fair. Her ex boyfriend had sex too but will not have ruined life, just her. She did have caution too. I do want her to have a good life and to finish the University is important to have a good life here.Has anyone been in situation like this?(I am sorry for my broken English. It is not my mother language). via /r/Parenting

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