Monday, 25 December 2017

My 2 year old is out of control.

He screams from the moment he wakes up until the moment he screams himself to sleep. He's almost 2 years 4 months and the behavior is just atrocious :( the naps have disappeared completely. He used to wake up at 8, nap at noon until 3pm, then bedtime is at 8:30. Now he refuses to nap but wakes up and goes to bed at the same time. He will not go to bed earlier. Anytime anyone asks him a question he screams NO at the top of his lungs and if anything is suggested that isn't his idea it's the worst thing in the world. He throws all of his food on the floor after a few bites even if he really likes it. The only time he isnt crying or screaming is when hes on his tablet which is max 1 hour a day during his "tablet time". He used to play quietly and say "mom!" When he discovers something cool. I never yell or spank. He gets timeouts but they don't work for shit. I don't acknowledge his tantrums, just try to distract him while keeping my head. I'm doing everything people tell me to do and it isn't working! I'm just at the end of my rope. It was like a flip switched. Suddenly it was no naps, no silence. Any ideas? :( via /r/Parenting

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