Friday, 26 October 2018

How to explain a death to my 3 year old?

Today at work, I received a call from the local police. They asked me to come pick up my daughter from daycare. They explained over the phone that she was ok but needed to be taken away from the situation. I arrived and there were fire trucks, an ambulance and police cruisers. So many thoughts were running through my head, it was a parents nightmare. They explained that our daycare provider suffered a massive heart attack (my daughter watched it happen) and it was fatal.We have two sets of parents raising our daughter (my parter and me and my ex and his partner) so we decided that the four of us shall sit down and explain what happened. I’m at a loss for what to say. She’s three years old and doesn’t really grasp death yet, but I also don’t want to lie to her. Any suggestions would be wonderful. via /r/Parenting

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